In an effort to lower costs for our member-owners, Tri-County Electric requested a rate change from our regulator, the Tennessee Valley Authority. The approved change will allow Tri-County Electric to shift costs to the fixed portion (customer charge) of our member’s monthly bill while lowering the kilowatt hour charges to offset the increase. This rate adjustment will become effective March 1, 2024. Tri-County Electric’s members utilize an average of 1,250 kilowatt hours each month. This group will see a $1 per month increase in their bill; however, the decreased kilowatt hour charge will result in anyone using more than the average of 1,250 kilowatt hours to see a progressively smaller amount of increase in their monthly bill. Paul Thompson, Tri-County Electric’s Chief Executive Officer said “This will be extremely beneficial in those typically high usage months during the winter and summer. For example, during the zero-degree days we recently experienced in January, the average member’s usage increased to 2,269 kilowatt hours. This adjustment would have saved them approximately $2 and the higher their usage, the greater the monthly savings will be.” We realize this change will not eliminate those high bill months, but it is a step in the right direction.